Sigmetrix helps enterprise leaders build higher quality, cost-effective solutions—faster than ever before. 

    Our comprehensive solutions are trusted by teams across the enterprise in a variety of industries to help identify mechanical variation faster, resulting in more efficient processes and more cost-effective products


      How We Help

      Produce higher-quality, cost-effective products across the enterprise.

      Who We Help

      Solutions for manufacturers, engineers, and designers in a variety of industries.

      Where We Help

      Build better products and processes across the enterprise. 

      Robust solutions that streamline and enhance the mechanical variation management process.

      Our tolerance analysis and GD&T solutions  unite the ideal world of product design with the real world of manufacturing and assembly—where mechanical variation has a significant impact on product cost.



        Tolerance Analysis

        Predict, manage, and optimize mechanical variations.


        Understand permissible variation earlier in the design process.

        Model-Based Definition

        Optimize tolerances within 3D models.

        Meet the Team

        We've been helping build better products for 25+ years. 

        Our Partners

        We integrate directly with several major CAD platforms.

        Global Reach

        Tolerance analysis and GD&T solutions for a variety of industries worldwide.

        Join Our Team

        Join the brightest, most talented, and most motivated teammates. 

        Resources to help you better manage mechanical variation. 

        Case studies, whitepapers, webinars, and more resources backed by our tolerance analysis and GD&T experts.


          Resource Center

          Learn how you can produce better products, reduce development costs, and more.


          We publish frequently on mechanical variation management, GD&T best practices, and more.

          Tolerance Analysis Training

          Our tolerance stack-up and tolerance analysis training teach companies of all sizes how to perform tolerance analysis, how to incorporate tolerance analysis into their workflow, how to incorporate tolerance analysis into their supply chain, and how to use these techniques to achieve their quality goals.

          Worldwide Leaders in Tolerance Stackup and Tolerance Analysis Training

          We are the worldwide leaders in Tolerance Analysis training and Tolerance Stackup training. In fact, many of our customers are some of the world’s top corporations. Our Tolerance Analysis training and Tolerance Analysis software help them to consistently provide higher quality products with the lower cost. We can do the same for you. We teach our Tolerance Analysis training courses regularly around the US and around the world. Our Tolerance Stackup and Tolerance Analysis methods very powerful and they are easy-to-learn and easy-to-use.

          When we teach Tolerance Analysis in our Tolerance Analysis Courses, we teach it from the point-of-view of careful application of dimensions and tolerances, looking at ways to reduce the accumulation of tolerances and how to mitigate their effects on the desired outcome. Our goal is to help you and your staff avoid problems during the design stage by employing tolerance analysis techniques. If you need to troubleshoot and find solutions to existing problems, we also help you to understand the problem and to obtain the best solution possible.

          Our goal is your success.

          About Our Tolerance Analysis Training Courses

          Our Tolerance Analysis Courses are presented both onsite and virtuallyWe offer traditional Plus and Minus-only Tolerance Analysis Courses, and a combination of GD&T and Plus and Minus Tolerance Analysis Courses. Course content can be suited to your needs and practices.

          Along with teaching your staff how to perform Tolerance Analysis and Tolerance Stackups, we want to help them to understand the differences between different Dimensioning and Tolerancing and GD&T schemes. Tolerance Stackups are done using different Dimensioning and Tolerancing and GD&T schemes on sample assemblies, helping the student to understand the implications of the Dimensions, Tolerances and GD&T. Tolerance Stackup and Tolerance Analysis are an integral part of Functional Dimensioning and Tolerancing – in fact, the only way to know if a Dimensioning and Tolerancing Scheme is functional is to do a Tolerance Stackup.

          Either our Tolerancing, Level 1, Level 2 Tolerance Analysis , or Tolerance Stackup Courses are available, both in our standard format or customized to your products. Custom Courses can be anything you want. Our training has been successful in a variety of environments and contexts.


          Tolerance Analysis Training Courses

          Our tolerance analysis training courses allows companies of all sizes to learn how to perform tolerance analysis, how to incorporate tolerance analysis into their workflow, how to incorporate tolerance analysis into their supply chain, and how to use these techniques to achieve their quality goals. The tolerance analysis training courses educate the students on careful application of dimensions and tolerances, looking at ways to reduce the accumulation of tolerances and how to mitigate their effects on the desired outcome. 

          Tolerance Analysis Fundamentals Course [2 Days]

          The Tolerance Analysis Training Course will help you understand how to calculate and manage variation and its implications on product performance. (ASME or ISO GD&T)

          • Explanation, comparison and calculation of worst-case and statistical techniques
          • How to perform stackups with +\- and GD&T
          • Address assemblability, fit, maintaining clearance, ensuring contact, maintaining wall thickness & machining stock, alignment
          • Compare dimensioning & tolerancing & design strategies
          • Methods to model geometric variation from dimensions and tolerances, GD&T, and assembly processes
          • Understand sources of variation and its effects on assemblies
          • Assembly modeling process, determining if the design, GD&T, and assembly process will yield acceptable results
          • How to correct geometry problems found through analysis
          • Understand, calculate, and model the cumulative variation
          • Know if the design and GD&T specified leads to parts and assemblies that will meet their intended requirements
          Resources to Help You Master Mechanical Variation Management

          Get case studies, whitepapers, and more resources backed by our tolerance analysis and GD&T experts. Learn exactly how you can produce better products, reduce development costs, and make your processes more efficient.

          Tolerance Analysis Books and Tolerance Analysis Reference Materials

          Our techniques are our very popular book “Mechanical Tolerance Stackup and Analysis”, 2011, CRC Press, now in its second edition. The method is easy to learn, easy to use, applies to virtually any geometry, and works with ASME GD&T and ISO GD&T. We offer a Plus-and-Minus-only tolerance analysis book “Tolerance Stackup, Tolerance Analysis and Tolerancing Manual: Plus and Minus Edition,” which is for companies that have not yet adopted GD&T. We also offer workbooks for GD&T and Plus and Minus, the “Workbook for Mechanical Tolerance Stackup and Analysis: GD&T and “+/-” and the “Workbook for Tolerance Stackup, Tolerance Analysis and Tolerancing Manual: Plus and Minus Edition.” Contact us today to find out how we can help you and your company learn, improve, and implement tolerance analysis techniques.Worst-case, statistical and adjusted statistical tolerance analysis methods are presented. Many examples and exercises are solved using both techniques, allowing the student to compare the results and gain a better understanding of their pros and cons. For most of our students, the light bulb comes on during our tolerance analysis, as this is where they gain a true understanding of GD&T, when they can see how it converts into numbers in a tolerance analysis solution. Tolerance analysis is actually variation analysis, a study and quantification of the potential effects of accumulated variation in as-produced parts and assemblies.

          Request Tolerance Analysis Pricing & Details