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Our Global Reach
Thank you for your interest in Sigmetrix and CETOL 6σ technology products. Our tolerance analysis and GD&T solutions provide the best, cutting-edge solutions for bringing your mechanical engineering goals to fruition.
Sigmetrix’ provides a global presence in the tolerance analysis and GD&T application software space, offering cutting-edge solutions to achieving more robust mechanical designs. Our distributors and resellers enable our customers to obtain the solutions they need quickly and easily. We are ever-expanding our global reach and providing our tolerance analysis and GD&T software solutions to a variety of industries worldwide.
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We currently have Authorized Distributors in the regions listed below:
North America
Rest of the World
Our direct office information is:
Address: Room 627, JinMao Tower, No. 88 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China
Tel: 021-58952585
Contact info in Chinese:
サイバネットについて (About Us)
〒101-0022 東京都千代田区神田練塀町3 富士ソフトビル
FUJISOFT Bldg. 3 Kanda-neribeicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0022
- Telephone: +81-3-5297-3299
- Website :
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關於思渤科技 About Cybernet Systems Taiwan
CYBERNET SYSTEMS TAIWAN思渤科技股份有限公司,成立於2008年7月,為日CYBERNET SYSTEMS公司於亞太地區的經營據點。
CYBERNET SYSTEMS TAIWAN思渤科技以提供專業的工程研發對策為經營理念,並提供銷售、教育訓練、技術支援及各項資訊交流服務。本公司提供之工程對策,皆來自歐,美、日等國際級領導大廠之最新技術,包括光學與光電量測應用、通訊與數位訊號應用、 FPGA 設計與 EDA、電力電子、車輛工程、3D建模、CAE分析與最佳化、符號與數值運算、物理建模與機器人開發及即時控制等應用領域。
服務內容 Products and Services
本公司致力於提供 八大領域解決方案,滿足國內產業廣泛的設計研發需求。思渤科技以培養跨國界人才為念、持續引進先進工具,以技術行銷與支援為後盾、永續經營為理念,矢志成為台灣最值得信賴尊重之研發工具代理商。
思渤科技股份有限公司 (08:30-17:30)
Address:5F., No.178, Sec. 2,Gongdao 5th Rd.,
Hsinchu 30070 Taiwan
태성에스엔이 (About Us)
태성에스엔이는 1988년 12월 설립된 이후로 끊임없는 노력과 고객의 성원으로 가장 오랜 역사와 최고의 기술지원 인력을 갖춘 CAE전문 기업으로 성장 하였습니다. 저희는 항상 고객 만족이라는 최고의 가치를 달성하기 위해 노력해 오고 있습니다.
저희 태성에스엔이는 CAE전문기업으로 공차해석, 구조해석, 유동해석, 전자기해석, 다중물리현상해석등 기술분야를 더욱 확장하여 통합적인 해석 기술을 통하여 보다 실질적인 해석기반의 제품개발 (Simulation Driven Product Development)’이라는 Vision 구현을 위하여 노력하고 있습니다.
가장 오랜 역사와 최고의 CAE전문 기업으로서 항상 고객을 먼저 생각하며 고객과 함께 발전하는 기업이 되도록 꾸준히 노력할 것을 약속드립니다.
Address :
서울 성동구 성수동2가 333-140 서울숲코오롱디지털타워 2차 10층
333-140 Seoulforest Kolon Digital Tower 2, 10F, Seongsu-dong 2 ga, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Korea
- Telephone : +82-2-2117-0029
- Website :
- Contact email :
Softcell Technologies Limited is a 20 year old business-to-business IT infrastructure Services Company. With a 300+ member workforce we provide end-to-end IT infrastructure services including Software Licensing, Hardware, Security, Storage, Networking, Field Support Services, Engineering Services, Testing & Application Life Cycle Management and Internet hosting services. We are headquartered in Mumbai and have sales offices in six major cities in India. We work with over 3,000 organizations across India in their efforts to increasing their returns on IT infrastructure investments.
Services include:
- Software Licensing
- System Integration & Networking
- Infrastructure Services
- Internet Hosting services
- IT Security
- Engineering Services
- Application Lifecycle Management & Lifecycle Quality Management
Learn more at:
CYBERNET MALAYSIA supports customers in the ASEAN region. They provide a wide variety of Digital Engineering solutions ranging from Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) software including Photonics, Optics and VR design, Vehicle Simulation products, and Casting Simulation systems, to solutions that combine CAE with emerging technology for digital transformation such as IoT, Digital Twins, Big Data analysis, and AI. They also provide engineering services, technical support, training and consultation.
Countries supported: Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and, Vietnam.
Address: SO-32-3A Menara 1, KL Eco City, Jalan Bangsar, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Telephone: +60(3) – 22011221 (Thailand: +66 65 4199 322, Vietnam: +84 96 324 1249)
Contact Email:

Our mission – Build today the industry of tomorrow.
Our Connexators assist you to set up a coherent information system taking advantage of all or part of the PLM, ERP, CRM and IOT pieces. Our design and product and lifecycle management solutions, enterprise resources planning solutions and internet of things solutions are complementary and play a key role to help you achieve your goals. Used conjointly, these solutions help you to focus on what make the difference with your competitors: industrial efficiency!
- ADDRESS: Head office : 1 rue du Moulin Cassé – 44340 BOUGUENAIS
- TELEPHONE: +33 2 51 70 28 82
ARIADNE Engineering AB is a provider of leading engineering CAD/CAE software, training and PLM-solutions to Scandinavian companies. Through our products and services, we deliver added value to our customers and help them to create better and innovative products more effectively. ARIADNE operates on the Scandinavian market since 10 years and our brand is well recognized within the field of mechanical engineering.
ARIADNE is Sigmetrix Certified Scandinavian Competence Center within the field of tolerance analysis. Using its unique competence ARIANDE is helping leading Scandinavian companies to find right balance between functional requirements and production cost.
- Address: ARIADNE Engineering AB
Flottiljgatan 61
721 31 Västerås
- Telephone: +46 21 800906
- Website:
- Contact:
Miroslaw Chamera on the value of CETOL 6σ
Miroslaw Chamera, Managing Director and owner of ARIADNE Engineering has been working with digital simulation for 20 years in Scandinavia. ARIADNE Engineering specializes in digitized 3D design, strength calculations and simulations. They deliver market-leading software, training and consulting services.
In the projects they undertake, they follow the analysis thread and do it right from start to finish. Their favorite tools are from leading software companies such as PTC, Sigmetrix, Noesis as well as other 3D CAD / CAM / CAE systems and advanced computational tools.
Mr. Chamera took a few minutes to answer some questions and share his thoughts on Sigmetrix, as well as tolerance analysis, the value of CETOL 6σ, GD&T Advisor and the benefits and ROI he has experienced.
EnginSoft At a Glance
EnginSoft is an Italian multinational leader in the provision of engineering through the use of virtual prototyping CAE and multi-objective optimization, it has been operational since 1985. The company is based in Trento and is present in Europe and the Americas through Competence Centers. The Italians based in Bergamo, Florence, Padua, Mesagne (Br) and Turin, while the main offices abroad are located in France, Germany, UK, Spain and Sweden in Europe, then in California, Texas, Brazil in the Americas.
EnginSoft work in the industrial sectors of transport (automotive and aerospace), communications (electronics and electromagnetism), Energy (Oil & Gas), thanks to years of experience in the fields of civil and industrial information. In particular, boasts solid experience in the disciplines of mechanical engineering and structural, fluid dynamics, electromagnetism high and low frequency and proven skills in the analysis of multiphysics phenomena. EnginSoft promotes and organizes advanced training and coordinate industrial research projects in public and private financing.
EnginSoft Spa
Via della Stazione 27 – fraz. Mattarello
38123 Trento – Italy
Tel. +39 0461 915 391
Fax. +39 0461 979 201
EnginSoft sonlu elemanlar analizleri, hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği, mekanik tasarım ve üretim teknolojileri alanlarında uzmanlaşmış mühendis kadrosuyla global çözüm ortağı olarak hizmetlerini sürdürmektedir. Firma savunma sanayi, havacılık, otomotiv, enerji, beyaz eşya, denizcilik, petrol ve doğalgaz, inşaat ve eğlence gibi ana sektörlerdeki müşterilerine mevcut mühendislik simülasyon teknolojilerinin ötesinde çok disiplinli optimizasyon uzmanlıklarını da dahil ederek hizmet sunmaktadır. EnginSoft mühendislik hizmetlerinin yanı sıra yazılım satışı ve teknik eğitimler konusunda faaliyetlerini sürdürmektedir. Bünyesinde mekanik tasarım birimi ile bu alanda da hizmetleri sürdüren EnginSoft bu alandaki bilgi birikimi ile tolerans analizi konusunda uzmanlaşmış kadrosu ile 3 boyutlu montaj modelleriniz üzerinden tolerans problemlerinizi anlamanız ve çözmenizde çözüm ortağı olarak hizmet vermektedir.
Teknopark İstanbul
Teknopark Bulvarı Sanayii Mah.
No:1/1A 311
34906 Pendik/İSTANBUL
Telefon: +90 216 504 11 53
Web Sitesi:
EnginSoft is an engineering consultancy company with specific expertise in Process Simulation and Optimisation, specialising in engineering analysis supporting the whole design chain. We are dedicated to helping companies improve competitiveness and reliability in product and process development with particular capability in management of 3D tolerances of complex assemblies. EnginSoft can help you understand the full implications of your part dimensions for your 3D assembly performance, ensuring robust “right first time” design.
EnginSoft UK
University of Warwick Science Park
The Venture Centre – Sir William Lyons Rd
Coventry, CV4 7EZ – United Kingdom
Phone: +44 2476 997160
EnginSoft Germany at a Glance
EnginSoft GmbH has been your trusted partner for numerical simulation software and engineering services in the German-speaking market for over 25 years. Specializing in statistical 3D tolerance simulation (CETOL by Sigmetrix, Certified Trainer), Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (ISO GPS training & CBT), and Dimensional Management in product development processes, we help companies to improve quality and reduce costs through controlled variation in product design. Rely on our expertise for innovative solutions and customer-orientated training programs.
Software CETOL – more information here
Software EZTOL - more information here
Computer-Based Training ISO GPS CBT - more information here
Tolerance Management – more information here
Enginsoft GmbH
Augustinusstrasse 11c
50226 Frechen-Königsdorf
AG Köln HRB 84688
Phone: +49 2234 60386 10
EnginSoft, 1984 gegründet, ist ein in Italien ansässiges multinationales Consulting-Unternehmen, das auf dem Gebiet der simulationsbasierten Wissenschaft und Technik tätig ist. Dank der umfangreichen Kenntnisse unserer hochqualifizierten Mitarbeiter ist EnginSoft im Laufe der Jahre zum wichtigen Partner vieler Unternehmen geworden; wir unterstützen Firmen in verschiedenen Industriezweigen bei der Innovation ihrer Designprozesse. EnginSoft Germany bieten unseren Kunden eine breite Palette an Dienstleistungen, darunter effektives und qualitativ hochwertiges Consulting, Fortbildung und Schulung, die Entwicklung von kundenspezifischen Ad-hoc-Anwendungen sowie Unterstützung bei Forschungsaktivitäten und Projekten.
Enginsoft GmbH
Augustinusstrasse 11c
50226 Frechen-Königsdorf
AG Köln HRB 84688
Phone: +49 2234 60386 10
E-SOFT France
5 rue Michael Faraday
78180 - Montigny le Bretonneux - France
INNEO Solutions is the leading provider of CAD/CAM and PDM/PLM solutions complemented by IT and Project Management solutions in Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. More than 270 members of staff in 12 locations attend to more than 3,800 customers from various industries. INNEO is the #1 reseller of PTC’s product development solutions which includes Creo Parametric (formerly Pro/ENGINEER), Creo Elements/Direct (formerly CoCreate) and the PDM/PLM Windchill product family. INNEO has also been a Sigmetrix distribution partner since 1994; due to this combination we can provide unique expertise at integrating these products into the customers’ business processes. Our own developments such as the new GENIUS TOOLS and a wide range of automation, add-on and industry solutions from design throughout manufacturing complete our portfolio. In addition, INNEO is a Certified Training Partner with our own certified hotline.
Wootton Wawen Office
INNEO Solutions Ltd.
Red Poll Barn
Wootton Park Business Centre
Alcester Road
Wootton Wawen
B95 6HJ
United Kingdom
- PHONE : +44 (0) 1564 793720
INNEO Solutions GmbH
Rindelbacher Straße 42
73479 Ellwangen GERMANY
- PHONE : +49 (0)7961 890-0
Bruettisellen Office (Zurich)
Ruchstuckstrasse 21
CH-8306 Brüttisellen
- PHONE : +41 (0) 44 805 1010
- Please watch: Latest YouTube videos from INNEO about CETOLIntroducing to CETOL:
Comparison CETOL vs. Excel:
– Introduction to CETOL:
– Comparison CETOL vs. Excel:
Address -- 2020 NW 1050th Ave Suite 300 Pembroke Pines, FL 33028.
Phone Number - (954)-217-2031
Rest of World
Address -- Mailbox 10042, Zichron Yaakov, 309336, Israel.
Email --