Sigmetrix helps enterprise leaders build higher quality, cost-effective solutions—faster than ever before. 

    Our comprehensive solutions are trusted by teams across the enterprise in a variety of industries to help identify mechanical variation faster, resulting in more efficient processes and more cost-effective products


      How We Help

      Produce higher-quality, cost-effective products across the enterprise.

      Who We Help

      Solutions for manufacturers, engineers, and designers in a variety of industries.

      Where We Help

      Build better products and processes across the enterprise. 

      Robust solutions that streamline and enhance the mechanical variation management process.

      Our tolerance analysis and GD&T solutions  unite the ideal world of product design with the real world of manufacturing and assembly—where mechanical variation has a significant impact on product cost.



        Tolerance Analysis

        Predict, manage, and optimize mechanical variations.


        Understand permissible variation earlier in the design process.

        Model-Based Definition

        Optimize tolerances within 3D models.

        Meet the Team

        We've been helping build better products for 25+ years. 

        Our Partners

        We integrate directly with several major CAD platforms.

        Global Reach

        Tolerance analysis and GD&T solutions for a variety of industries worldwide.

        Join Our Team

        Join the brightest, most talented, and most motivated teammates. 

        Resources to help you better manage mechanical variation. 

        Case studies, whitepapers, webinars, and more resources backed by our tolerance analysis and GD&T experts.


          Resource Center

          Learn how you can produce better products, reduce development costs, and more.


          We publish frequently on mechanical variation management, GD&T best practices, and more.

          CETOL 6σ Accelerates Schedule by Over 250%

          FN Manufacturing Tolerance Analysis Case Study

          About The Project

          This case study involves a product made by FN Manufacturing, part of the Belgium-based Herstal Group. FN Manufacturing is a precision manufacturing company that supplies small arms for military applications. The contract bid required 230 unique tolerance studies to be conducted. These analyses included 1D, 2D, and 3D tolerance models that included worst case and statistical results. Reports needed to be self-explanatory. The time frame to complete the project was 7 months. Prior to employing CETOL 6σ, tolerance analysis was done manually.

          Contract Requirements

          • 230 required tolerance studies
          • 1D, 2D, and 3D tolerance models
          • Worst case and statistical results needed
          • Reports must be self-explanatory

          In order to validate CETOL 6σ for use in the FN Manufacturing product development and concurrent engineering process and meet the company’s ROI (return on investment) requirement, the software had to meet several criteria. For the ROI, the key metric was productivity. CETOL 6σ was compared to a previous, very similar contract bid effort. After taking just basic training and minimal coaching from Sigmetrix, FN Manufacturing engineers effectively conducted the required analyses. The results from the productivity comparison showed a 250% reduction in schedule time and over a 500% reduction in total effort.



          “The products of FN manufacturing, Inc. typically experience a long market life cycle. By employing CETOL 6σ, we can analyze our mature product lines to allow optimization of the existing tolerances. This facilitates the implementation of new manufacturing processes that provide opportunities for reducing the overall cost. At the same time, we maintain our rigorous product standards and are able to further develop a competitive advantage.”
          “One further advantage of CETOL 6σ is ease-of use. With minimal training, our operators became efficient in a short period of time. The CETOL 6σ interface lends itself to the casual as well as the continuous user. The attraction of this characteristic is that it makes it unnecessary to dedicate a full-time analyst to this product.”
          “We can confidently state that the integration of CETOL 6σ within our CAD environment has significantly contributed to formulating a true concurrent engineering process, enabling us to provide our customers with products that continue to exceed their expectations.”

          About FN Manufacturing

          FN Manufacturing is a precision manufacturing facility with a rich military heritage as a small arms supplier to the U.S. Military and ninety other countries around the world. They offer services to aerospace, firearms and other industries requiring exacting tolerances and tight quality control. Capable of taking a design from concept through distribution, the quality and reliability expected of military applications carries over into everything they build.

          Would you like to see results similar to this tolerance analysis case study?

          See CETOL 6σ in action for yourself!
          Getting it Right, before it’s Built: Using CETOL 6σ for an Integrated, Low-Risk Approach to 3D Stack-Up Analysis
          CETOL 6σ Tolerance Analysis contributes to high quality for STIHL battery products