Sigmetrix helps enterprise leaders build higher quality, cost-effective solutions—faster than ever before. 

    Our comprehensive solutions are trusted by teams across the enterprise in a variety of industries to help identify mechanical variation faster, resulting in more efficient processes and more cost-effective products


      How We Help

      Produce higher-quality, cost-effective products across the enterprise.

      Who We Help

      Solutions for manufacturers, engineers, and designers in a variety of industries.

      Where We Help

      Build better products and processes across the enterprise. 

      Robust solutions that streamline and enhance the mechanical variation management process.

      Our tolerance analysis and GD&T solutions  unite the ideal world of product design with the real world of manufacturing and assembly—where mechanical variation has a significant impact on product cost.



        Tolerance Analysis

        Predict, manage, and optimize mechanical variations.


        Understand permissible variation earlier in the design process.

        Model-Based Definition

        Optimize tolerances within 3D models.

        Meet the Team

        We've been helping build better products for 25+ years. 

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        We integrate directly with several major CAD platforms.

        Global Reach

        Tolerance analysis and GD&T solutions for a variety of industries worldwide.

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        Resources to help you better manage mechanical variation. 

        Case studies, whitepapers, webinars, and more resources backed by our tolerance analysis and GD&T experts.


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          Press Releases

          Sigmetrix Launches EZtol – A New 1D analysis tool

          2 Minute Read

          Sigmetrix expands its precise, easy-to-use mechanical variation and tolerance analysis software product portfolio with its new 1D analysis tool

          MCKINNEY, Texas – April 5, 2017 – Sigmetrix, global experts in GD&T and mechanical variation, announced the latest solution in their product portfolio – EZtol.  This 1D analysis tool is designed to enable designers and engineers to quickly understand the impact of part and assembly variation on the fit and performance of their products.EZtol-300x111

          Why a 1D analysis tool when Sigmetrix already offers a more robust analysis tool, CETOL 6σ, capable of predicting the impact of more complex 3D interactions that occur in production? Engineers often use hand calculations or spreadsheets to conduct tolerance stackup analyses, but unless they are specifically considering more complex interactions like the rotation of surfaces their calculations may not fully account for all the variation that can occur in the critical functional requirements. EZtol not only performs these 1D stackup analyses far more efficiently than manual methods with the numerous additional benefits mentioned below, but it can also detect many scenarios where 1D treatment may be insufficient. When such scenarios are identified a caution symbol is added to the results row as well as a note to indicate that the calculated 1D results may be underestimating the actual variation the design will have during production. Users can then decide whether or not to use more advanced tools like CETOL 6σ to get a better understanding of how the design will actually behave. No other solution available on the market today combines the ease of use of EZtol with a visual indication of the limitations of 1D treatment of the tolerance stackup. 

          “We are delighted to be able to expand our software offerings to include EZtol. We are recognized globally for providing tolerance analysis and GD&T software solutions, as well as industry-leading training and consulting services, and this really rounds out our product portfolio,” stated Chris Wilkes, President and CEO of Sigmetrix. “EZtol really bridges the gap between manual tolerance stackups and an advanced tool like CETOL 6σ quite nicely.”eztol-interface-1024x616

          EZtol has been designed to make it easier to create, manage and report upon multiple 1D tolerance analyses in an assembly.  It will work with files from most major CAD systems, without having to utilize a CAD license to work with models. Some of the other highlights of EZtol are:

          • Builds the analysis on top of the 3D design model:
            1. Uses the actual nominal distances between surfaces/features from the design.
            2. Helps to ensure all components in the loop are included.
            3. Shows the optimum dimensioning scheme for the single analysis.
          • Automatically calculates the worst-case, RSS, and statistical results of the analysis. Metrics for statistical results can be reported as: Cpk, Sigma, DPMO, or % Yield.
          • Lists of contributors sorted from largest to smallest.
          • Define multiple tolerance stackup analyses on the same model.
          • Provides a summary table showing the objectives and results of each stackup analysis along with a visual indication of whether the requirement has been met.
          • Stores the dimensions, with tolerances, defined for each part so that the user doesn’t have to re-enter them for each loop. This also allows the automatic updating of all analyses when the user makes a modification to a tolerance used in multiple analyses.
          • Generates detailed report with graphical view of the dimension loop over the models involved and a graphical presentation of results and the top contributors.
          • Provides an indication that the tolerance stackup may not be 1D in nature including a note that the results provided may underestimate the actual variation that will occur during production.
          Sigmetrix Team

          Sigmetrix Team

          For 30+ years, we’ve developed software solutions to help enterprises produce better products. Our expertise helps companies align design intent aligns manufacturing processes, enabling higher quality & efficiency
