Sigmetrix helps enterprise leaders build higher quality, cost-effective solutions—faster than ever before. 

    Our comprehensive solutions are trusted by teams across the enterprise in a variety of industries to help identify mechanical variation faster, resulting in more efficient processes and more cost-effective products


      How We Help

      Produce higher-quality, cost-effective products across the enterprise.

      Who We Help

      Solutions for manufacturers, engineers, and designers in a variety of industries.

      Where We Help

      Build better products and processes across the enterprise. 

      Robust solutions that streamline and enhance the mechanical variation management process.

      Our tolerance analysis and GD&T solutions  unite the ideal world of product design with the real world of manufacturing and assembly—where mechanical variation has a significant impact on product cost.



        Tolerance Analysis

        Predict, manage, and optimize mechanical variations.


        Understand permissible variation earlier in the design process.

        Model-Based Definition

        Optimize tolerances within 3D models.

        Meet the Team

        We've been helping build better products for 25+ years. 

        Our Partners

        We integrate directly with several major CAD platforms.

        Global Reach

        Tolerance analysis and GD&T solutions for a variety of industries worldwide.

        Join Our Team

        Join the brightest, most talented, and most motivated teammates. 

        Resources to help you better manage mechanical variation. 

        Case studies, whitepapers, webinars, and more resources backed by our tolerance analysis and GD&T experts.


          Resource Center

          Learn how you can produce better products, reduce development costs, and more.


          We publish frequently on mechanical variation management, GD&T best practices, and more.

          Achieve Faster Time to Market and Less Prototype Waste

          Beat your competitors to market and curb costly engineering changes with tolerance analysis and advanced tolerance stack-up solutions.

          You've Never Innovated Like This Before

          The processes your team follows to take a product from concept to production are probably more costly than you realize. With engineering, manufacturing, and quality assurance teams all working in silos at different phases of the process, the lack of consistent data and communication has detrimental results.  

          The design cycle takes your product from design to testing, but not without multiple iterations. That means your team is spending valuable time and resources on time-intensive adjustments over and over again.  

          But what if you could eliminate the endless looping in your prototype cycles? Here’s how Sigmetrix can help.  

          Who We Help

          • Give your design team the ability to quickly explore concepts through tolerance models that take seconds, not hours—even the most complex designs.
          • Help team leads gather insights that prototypes can’t usually provide, like realistic assembly process capabilities and “looking inside” the product for root causes of failure in each design.
          • Empower engineers to identify mechanical variation earlier in the design process by creating a more complete tolerance model with the surfaces, construction features, and crude concept geometry that’s more true to life.
          • Shave expenses and add to the bottom line for the entire enterprise by modeling variation, predicting performance and visualizing feature sensitivity for even the most complex systems—without costly physical testing.
          • With consistent data, shared tools, and standardized reporting formats, bring design, manufacturing, and quality teams out of their silos and onto common ground.

          How We Help

          • Our solutions allow the consideration of mechanical variation early in the design process, instead of modeling tolerance stacks after the product design and drawings were complete. The bottom line? Drive down manufacturing costs and decrease the likelihood of scrapped parts.
          • Model real-world conditions and make design and manufacturing decisions that aren’t typically possible with prototypes.
          • Design teams can take their biggest ideas to the prototyping phase, even without derivative design and manufacturing processes that offer years of empirical data to predict performance.
          • Generate a tolerance model report in seconds by taking even the most complex models from systems like Creo right to EZtol via a simple, out-of-the-box plugin.

          Want to See it For Yourself?

          Let us show you around. Book a discovery call today.

          How You Can Save Time With Sigmetrix

          Understand the ways our GD&T and tolerance analysis softwares can reduce time to market by expediting the product lifecycle.  

          Quickly build tolerance models to explore concepts.

          Sigmetrix provides simulation tools and training that enable design teams to build tolerance models that more accurately predict and simulate real-world behaviors in equal or less time than it takes to populate a stack-up spreadsheet. Designs can finally go from engineering to manufacturing with accurate tolerance values, no unexpected variation, and no costly loopback in the design process.  

          Confirm product and process feasibility during concept and design, not later in the development process.

          Traditional stack-ups can require completed drawings or costly prototypes, which means no tolerance analysis until the design is already done. Teams go back to square one when stack-up reveals problems, wasting time and money. With Sigmetrix GD&T simulation tools, engineers and designers can quickly build and compare concepts with simple CAD models and construction geometry. Consider mechanical variation early on without complex mathematics and unknowns about the assembly and inspection processes.  

          Gain insights that prototypes don’t typically provide. 

          Along with being costly and rife with limitaitons, physical prototypes can’t provide a statistically significant sample size that represents the production volume of the final product. They don’t always represent realistic process capabilities of manufacturing. And they don’t allow your team to “look inside” the product to determine the root cause of failure in critical requirements. But with our simple-to-use software, you can model real-world conditions that simulate the impact of variation without the need of physically building a prototype. Inform crucial design and manufacturing decisions before you’re even out of the prototype phase, and avoid costly rework

          Analyze product concepts that you thought were “too difficult” to model.

          It’s not possible to take every design concept all the way to prototyping, but what if it were a lot simpler to get the kind of feasibility data you needed quickly? With Sigmetrix’s simple software, you can model variation, predict performance and visualize part and feature sensitivity for complex systems without expensive physical testing.

          Provide consistency of data and understanding throughout the design process.
          Can you say that your design, manufacturing, and quality departments are all speaking the same language? Miscommunication and misunderstanding can lead to costly mistakes. Sigmetrix’s training solutions break down the silos and offer consistency in data and terminology, in-tool help, and guidance to reinforce training, and standardized data and reporting formats for more efficient collaboration between teams. 

          Industry Leaders Using Sigmetrix to Beat Their Competition to Market


          Read Expert Views on Faster Tolerance Analysis

          Learn from our experts and start improving your design and prototyping cycles. 

          Ready to Start Building Better Products and Impacting Your Bottom-Line?

          For decades, Sigmetrix has helped customers like you save time and money in their design cycles. Let’s talk about how our tolerance analysis and GD&T software and solutions can revolutionize your engineering team’s processes.